Brilliant Features

Improve efficiency, save time and reduce costs with our feature-rich disbursements software

Secure E-Wallet

Own and control your paybill. Fund it from your bank, and rest assured knowing we don’t handle your money.

Lower Charges

Enjoy transaction charges that are 50% cheaper than M-pesa charges.

Bulk Payments

Simplify bulk payments by uploading an Excel sheet and disburse with a single click. Automatic checks ensure error-free transactions.

No M-Pesa Limit

Fund your business wallet / paybill directly from the bank with as much money as you need for payments

Payment Approval

Effortlessly request or approve payments through our user-friendly app or web interface.

Reporting & Analytics

Effortlessly monitor expenses with real-time reports that are organized by expense type.

How It Works

Streamline your payments in 4 easy steps.
